Switching your
Furness mortgage
Helping you find the right mortgage
when you’re ready to switch.
Existing customers - switching your mortgage
If your current Furness mortgage deal is ending in the next 4 months, then we may be able to help you transfer to a new mortgage deal when your current product expires.
Applying online using your access code
If you've received a letter from us containing your individual code you can switch your mortgage online, providing you do not want to change your mortgage amount, term or repayment basis.
If you apply online, we refer to this as Execution Only. Execution Only means that you choose the mortgage product yourself and that we don't give advice or assist you in your decision.
You should only use the Execution Only service if you're confident in your ability to choose a suitable mortgage product and to take responsibility for your decision.
As you'll not receive advice, you won't benefit from an experienced mortgage adviser assessing the suitability of the mortgage product you choose and the Society will not be responsible for your selection.
If you've received your pack and you're ready to go ahead, you can switch your mortgage online.
You can proceed online if:
- Your current mortgage deal is within 4 months of maturing or has recently matured.
- You do not want to change your mortgage amount, term or repayment basis.
- You meet the Society’s lending criteria.
If you choose to proceed online and have a joint mortgage, when your instructions are received they'll be accepted by the Society on behalf of both customers.
When you submit your request online, we'll send you an offer within 5 working days.
Other ways to switch your mortgage
If you want to speak to someone about switching your mortgage, you can call us, go into branch or send us a message online or by post. We'll help you move onto the mortgage which best suits your circumstances.
Mortgage Charter
As part of the Mortgage Charter if you are on a Fixed Rate mortgage , we’re offering the ability to switch to a new mortgage product up to six months before maturity. Also once you have chosen your new product if a better like for like product becomes available, we will allow you to take advantage of switching to the better product up to two weeks before your current product matures.
To switch your mortgage, you’ll receive a unique access code prior to its maturity these usually go out 4 months before maturity. However if you would like one sooner, or if you’ve lost your code, you can retrieve it by calling us on 0800 781 4311
Once you have your access code, log into our portal above and browse all the mortgage products that are available to you. Keep in mind that our interest rates may change regularly, so be sure to check back frequently for the latest mortgage options. This code will still remain valid even if you have previously agreed on a switch.
Find out more about the Mortgage Charter
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