Not many people have a lump sum lying around that they can set aside, so don’t worry if you’re building an emergency fund from scratch. The most important thing is that you start saving!
Saving three or more months' worth of expenses will take a little time, but you can find some helpful savings hacks in our ‘best ways to save money’ guide. Additionally, here we have a few tips that can help put you on the right track.
1. Set small goals first
Rather than setting yourself one large savings goal (i.e. three months’ worth of expenses), set some smaller goals first. For example, saving two weeks’ worth of expenses first, then four weeks, six weeks and so on. Hitting each of these smaller milestones will help motivate you to achieve the next, making your overall goal feel more achievable.
2. Start with small deposits
It’s crucial not to overstretch your monthly outgoings. Building an emergency fund isn’t about exhausting your income, it’s about feeling financially secure. Settle on an amount you can realistically save by working out how much you need to comfortably live, without compromising essential needs.
Whether it’s £10 or £100, decide on a figure and commit to paying it monthly (or per payday). Start as small as you need to. This will help get you into the habit of saving, making it easier to increase the amount later if your circumstances allow.
3. Don’t over-save
Once you’ve hit your ultimate goal (eg. three months ) you can stop depositing money into that savings account and simply leave it alone. Building an emergency fund isn’t a never-ending saving cycle, it’s designed to help you in an emergency.
If you want to keep the saving habit going, maybe open another savings account for something fun - like your next holiday - and deposit the funds into there instead.
4. Set up a standing order
The best way to save money is to not touch it in the first place. Setting up a regular standing order means your emergency fund can be built without you even lifting a finger. Just try not to check the account too often, as it’ll feel as though it’s building slowly. Instead, leave it to build in the background.
5. Don’t overcompensate with credit
It can be tempting to balance out the loss of disposable cash by using credit cards instead. For example, if you cut back on clothes shopping to save but use a credit card to treat yourself to new shoes, then you haven’t actually saved any money!
Building up unnecessary debt is the last thing that you want to be doing. In the end, it’s likely your emergency fund will go towards paying off that debt further down the line. Whilst you shouldn’t give up everything you enjoy to build your emergency savings, don’t forget how important it is either. For help cutting your daily costs, check out our guide to saving money on your household bills.