Being different is what makes us stand out

The results of our latest members’ survey are in and the key takeaway is clear: ‘being different is a good thing’.

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Proud to be different

Furness Building Society is not a bank. We’re a mutual organisation, which means we’re owned by our members - not shareholders - and as a truly independent entity, we’re able to put the interests of our customers above all else.

We know the best way to understand what you need is to listen to you and that’s why we’ll ask for your feedback from time to time. This also gives us confidence that you’re happy with the services and products that we offer.

Proud to be unique

Each year, we’ll ask a random sample of those of you who save or have a mortgage with us to complete a short questionnaire and the results of our latest customer satisfaction survey have blown us away.

We know what we have to offer is unique, but to hear that our members think so too - and that we’re making a positive difference to your lives - is extremely rewarding.

Proud to be special

Whilst we serve customers from across the UK, we’re based in the heart of Cumbria and we firmly believe this is what sets us apart from other lenders.

In Cumbria, community is a way of life and ever since our business was founded in 1865, we’ve taken our responsibility to the communities in which we operate extremely seriously.

We have a strong ‘customer first’ strategy and providing an exceptional experience is a fundamental part of that. Our members are at the centre of every decision we make and it’s an approach that seems to be working for you!

One of a kind

We see the world in a very different way! We know that each and every one of you is completely unique and that your financial circumstances can vary significantly.

While sophisticated technology certainly has its place within our organisation, AI does have some limitations when it comes to assessing your very specific set of circumstances.

There are some things only a human can comprehend and that’s why, here at Furness Building Society, we continue to use real humans to assess your needs on an individual basis.

A rare find

We’re committed to understanding and responding to your needs and in our most recent interactions with you, you told us that you want to be able to manage more things online!

Soon, we’ll be able to update you on some new services that you’ll be able to access this way, so watch this space and we’ll reveal all shortly.

YOU are what matters!

As well as making some immediate updates, we’re also investing in our future digital capability to ensure continuous improvement and greater flexibility.

For those of you that were keen to see more of our friendly faces in-branch, with longer opening hours, we are pleased to be able to announce that plans are already underway to extend our opening times.

We love hearing from our customers and we will always endeavour to improve our offering to suit you. If you’d like to leave us any further feedback, then you can do so anytime here