Mortgages for you
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Here you can sort the accounts listed by either the lowest initial rate, lowest monthly rate, lowest loan-to-value or lowest product fee.
Loan-to-Value (LTV) is the percentage of the property price that your mortgage would need to cover.
2 Year Discount at 5.14% Further Advance
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial variable rate for 2 years
3.40% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate
3.40% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
No Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Discount at 4.69%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial variable rate for 2 years
3.70% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate
3.70% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 5.03%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Discount at 5.24%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial variable rate for 2 years
3.15% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate,
3.15% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate,
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
No Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Discount at 5.09%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial variable rate for 2 years
3.30% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate
3.30% discount off our Mortgage Variable Rate
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed at 5.39% Further Advance
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
No Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed at 3.89% Green Further Advance
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
No Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
5Year Fixed at 3.49% Green Further Advance
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 5 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
No Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 5 years
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed at 4.89% Buy-to-Let Green Further Advance
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
No Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
5 Year Fixed at 4.38% Buy-to-Let Green Further Advance
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 5 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
No Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 5 years
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 4.58% Purchase Only
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 5.05% Purchase Only
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 4.72% Purchase Only
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
5 Year Fixed Rate at 4.59%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 5 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 5 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
5 Year Fixed Rate at 4.74%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 5 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 5 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 5.19%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
5 Year Fixed Rate at 4.49%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 5 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 5 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 4.69% Interest Only
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
5 Year Fixed Rate at 4.44%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 5 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 5 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 4.99%
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.
2 Year Fixed Rate at 5.49% Purchase Only
Based on a repayment mortgage
Per monthInitial fixed rate for 2 years
The overall cost for comparison is
APRCProduct Fee
Estimated total cost for the first 2 years excluding product fee
or call us on 0800 220 568
This product is subject to an early repayment charge and other fees may apply.