Mortgages - frequently asked questions

Have a question about our mortgages? Here we’ve answered the most common questions we hear you ask about our mortgages. If you have any questions not covered on this page, please get in touch with our team on 0800 220 568.

How can I make a payment to my mortgage account?

There are two simple and easy ways to pay your monthly mortgage electronically, either via bank transfer or direct debit. You can also pay over the counter at a branch if required.

Direct debit:

The easiest way to pay your mortgage monthly is by setting up a direct debit so that we can automatically collect the correct payment from your bank account each month. To set this up, simply complete the direct debit mandate and return this via post to the following address:


Furness Building Society,

Emlyn Hughes House, 

Abbey Road,



LA14 5PQ


Bank transfer:

If bank transfer is your preferred method, you’ll have to manually set up this transfer each time a payment is due using the details below:

Once you’ve completed your bank transfer, please email us at confirming the amount deposited as well as your account number.

Sort Code 15-10-00
Account Number 23114065
Reference Number This is your mortgage account number which was allocated to you when your mortgage was first set up.

What is a mortgage payment deferral and how do they work?

Can I set up a direct debit to pay my mortgage if my payment is due now?

Why are my transfer details showing the payee as the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)?

What is a mortgage valuation report?

What does a mortgage valuation report include?

How much does the mortgage valuation or home buyers report cost?

What does a homebuyer’s survey and valuation include?

Do I need a building survey report?

Why are variable mortgage rates also referred to as underlying rates?

What is a floor rate?

What happens if I move house midway through my mortgage deal?

How can I avoid paying an early repayment charge when I move home?

What happens if my new property is more expensive than my current mortgage?

What happens if my new property is less expensive than my current mortgage?

Where can I find free, impartial advice regarding mortgages?

What do I need to bring with me to my appointment with a mortgage advisor?

I have questions about my mortgage offer, who can I speak to?

How can I make an overpayment on my mortgage?

How can I get an update on my current mortgage?

Can I add someone to my mortgage?

Can I borrow more money on my mortgage mid-term?

Can I get a mortgage with a shared ownership property?

What happens at the end of my mortgage term?

Stepped Rates/What are Stepped Rates?

What is the Mortgage variable rate (MVR)

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