These are the fees and charges you may have to pay before we transfer your mortgage funds.

Name of charge

What this charge is for

How much is the charge?

UK CHAPS payment

Electronically transferring the mortgage funds to you or your solicitor when the amount is £100,000 or more.


Legal fee

You will normally instruct a solicitor to act on your behalf in connection with your home purchase transaction. You may be required to pay their legal fees and costs as part of their work on your behalf. These fees / costs are normally charged by the solicitor, directly to you unless we tell you that we will contribute to the legal costs as part of your product deal.

To be obtained from your solicitor

Product fee

This is charged on some mortgages as part of the deal. It can be paid up-front or added to the total mortgage amount. If you add it to your mortgage, you’ll pay interest on it at the same rate as the rest of your borrowing. It might be a flat fee, or a percentage of the loan amount.

Refer to European Standardised Information Sheet & Offer document

Re-inspection fee

If your mortgage is released in stages and you’re using it to renovate your home, this covers the new valuation we need to do after the work’s carried out.


Re-valuation  fee

Charged if we need to re-value your property.


Valuation fee

The lender’s valuation report, which is used to calculate how much it will lend you. This is separate from any valuation or survey of the property you might want to commission.

There are other homebuyers or structural survey options available to you at a cost and there may be different approaches in different parts of the UK.

Some mortgages offer free valuations – the product details for your mortgage will tell you if this is the case.

Refer to Mortgage Valuation leaflet

If you ask us for extra documentation and / or services beyond the standard management of your account

Name of charge

What this charge is for

How much is the charge?

Duplicate / interim mortgage statement fee

Requesting a copy of a previous mortgage statement or an interim statement of your account as it stands. It might be paid by you or another lender.


Ending your mortgage term

Name of charge

What this charge is for

How much is the charge?

Early repayment charge

(ending your mortgage)

You may be charged this if you repay your mortgage in full before the mortgage term ends.

Refer to European Standardised Information Sheet & Offer document

Mortgage exit fee

You may have to pay this if:

• Your mortgage term comes to an end;

• You transfer the loan to another lender; or

• Transfer borrowing from one property to another.

This is payable either at the end of the mortgage term, or before the end of your mortgage term if you transfer the loan to another lender or another property (known as ‘redemption’).

You may be charged a separate fee by your solicitor or licensed or qualified conveyancer for their work relating to redemption of the mortgage and discharge of the security.


Deeds handling fee

This will be charged when deeds are sent to a solicitor / licenced conveyancer.  This fee will also be charged if the deeds are sent to you following redemption of your mortgage.


Duplicate redemption 

statement fee

The Society will provide two redemption statements free of charge per calendar year. A charge will be made for all subsequent statement requests within the calendar year.


If you're unable to pay your mortgage

These are the most common charges you may have to pay if you fail to keep up with your mortgage payments. Some charges, for example, those covering unpaid / returned direct debits or cheques, occur at the early stages of your inability to pay (arrears). Other charges, for example, relating to our repossession of the property, may apply later in the process and will be dependent on your circumstances.

Name of charge

What this charge is for

How much is the charge?

Unpaid/returned direct debit or cheque

Payable when your nominated bank rejects a direct debit collection, or your payment by cheque is returned unpaid by your bank.


Arrears fee

You will be charged an arrears fee on a monthly basis, or when specific events happen in the management of your account when you are 3 months or more in arrears unless an arrangement is in place and this is being maintained.


Referring account to solicitors

If your account is in arrears or legal action to obtain possession of the property is commended and the account is referred to a solicitor.


Property administration fee

When a property is repossessed a charge is made to defray the administrative costs incurred by the Society.


Field agent charges (part 1)

Where the Society instructs a Field Agent, they will meet with you to understand your circumstances to assist the Society in helping you to resolve your difficulties. We will always give you 10 working days notice, in writing, before instructing a Field Agent to visit you.

Where a Field Agent meets with you and completes a full Fact Find document (a summary of your circumstances) with you to help the Society to understand your circumstances.


Field agent charges (part 2)

Where a Field Agent visits you but you refuse to complete a Fact Find, or where you contact us after the 10 days notice, or where a Field Agent visits the property but it's tenanted or unoccupied.


If you change your mortgage

NB If you change to a new mortgage product, the ‘before your first monthly payment’ fees may also apply at this stage.

Name of charge

What this charge is for

How much is the charge?

Early repayment charge (changing your mortgage)

You may have to pay this if:

• You overpay more than your mortgage terms allow;

• You switch mortgage product or lender during a special rate period (e.g. while you’re on a fixed or tracker interest rate).

Refer to European Standardised Information Sheet & Offer document

Consent to let fee

If you want to let your property but don’t have a buy-to- let mortgage, you’ll pay this for each ‘consent to let’ agreement, where we agree to you letting out your property.


Giving you a reference

Charged if another lender asks us for permission to register a second / subsequent charge on your property.


Ground Rent / Management fee

Where the Society charges unpaid ground rents / management fees to the mortgage account a charge is made.


Sealing fee

A document needs to be sealed and there is a change of records.


Change of Repayment Method fee / Change of Term

Transferring all or part of your mortgage from a repayment to an interest only basis or from an interest only to a repayment basis or where the term of your mortgage is either extended or reduced.


Questionnaire fee

If another lender asks us for a mortgage reference confirming how you have managed your mortgage account with us.
